Other therapists in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, just ask you how you feel each week or get lost in the details of your most recent couple conflict. That approach will leave you feeling stuck week after week. You need effective marriage counseling.
At Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, we’ve taken very seriously the need to offer much more than just questions about your feelings or things to “try” out between sessions.
We know that even good marriages can get stuck in unhealthy patterns. We know that even when both partners want to do the right thing, fundamental personality differences and intensely different hopes and dreams can really get in the way of getting what you want out of your relationship. We know you want to take back control over your relationship and not leave anything to chance. You’ve put too much into your marriage to let some outside force get in the way or ruin it.
Let Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, show you why our approach to marriage counseling is different. Let us show you what we offer that changes everything about what you can expect from your marriage counseling experience. Read on to learn more.
What makes Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, different when it comes to marriage counseling?
Knowing the secrets of motivation styles
Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, studied the research on what actually motivates people to do what they do. This isn’t something they teach in school. We use this unique understanding of human motivation to help you and your partner actually do things you want to do, but can’t seem to get yourself to do on your own. You find yourself acting differently with much more ease than ever before. This isn’t average marriage counseling. It’s almost like magic.
Giving you a change experience
Change isn’t something that happens in your head. It happens in your heart. While other therapy in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, approaches try to get your think differently, we know that you can’t think your way out of your feelings. Affordable Counseling Center experience in therapy is more important than anything else. When you feel what change is like in our office, your mind and body will start to feel different, even after you go home. Change becomes almost invisible–it just happens.
Bypassing mental defenses
Have you ever tried to convince your partner of something you felt really strongly about and got nowhere? The harder you tried to get your point across, the more stuck the conversation became. Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, understand the science behind facilitating real listening and real understanding even in the most entrenched conflict. In your marriage counseling sessions, we will show you how to maximize the likelihood that you’ll be heard when you share how you feel in your relationship.
Providing you with language
We’ve heard it so many times before, “I wish my therapist could just come home with me and tell me what to say. They have a special way with words.” We actually send you home with just the right words to use in that next conversation when you usually get tongue tied. Affordable Counseling Center in Tampa FL, Brandon FL, Riverview FL, Valrico FL, Seffner FL, and Hyde Park FL, help you practice exactly what to say that will change the entire course of the conversation. You leave the office feeling powerful. It’s an amazing experience that is unique to our approach.