1. Try to keep a positive attitude!
Tell yourself that with an optimistic attitude all things are possible!
2. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement:
My purpose is_____________. Set goals for your day, week, and current month. This will help you get things done.Each day when you wake up in the morning ask: “What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?” Then tune out all the distractions and focus on these actions.
3. Take some time out in the morning for yourself. Take a walk if you can, and enjoy the outdoors, or spend 20 minutes reading your favorite novel while sipping on your favorite morning tea.
4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are… …think optimistically about where you are going.
5. Don’t forget to EAT! breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
6. Believe that everything happens for a reason . Expect good things to come out of challenging experiences and don’t dwell on the bad things that happen.
At Star Point Counseling Center, we have licensed counseling therapists available to help you live a more positive life. So, if you are having a problem with depression, stress, etc. please visit our website at starpointcounselingtampa.com or give us a call at (813)-244-1251.