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Sam DiFranco


Conflict in a relationship is completely natural…

At Affordable Counseling Center in Brandon Fl & Tampa Fl we find that our clients relationships can be difficult to maintain. You get tired having the same arguments over and over without resolution. Or the arguments change but you end up with the same pattern; you work it out, but then days or weeks later you’re back in the same rut. Or you don’t argue but are merely co-existing. Work. Eat. Parent. Rinse and repeat.

And you haven’t had sex in months.

Normal life stressors can cause chaos and bring out deep rooted patterns that negatively impact each other. You may have settled into a comfortable relationship, but often take each other for granted. You forget to make each other a priority. Life transitions like the birth of a baby, the death of an elderly parent, or an empty nest can add to your tension. You don’t always support one another as well as you could, and fears and anxieties get in the way.

At Affordable Counseling in Tampa Fl. & Brandon Fl. our Therapists will teach you skills and tools to overcome these issues.

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