What do you do when someone you know is dealing with fear, anxiety, and/or depression? Do you know what to say or do in that type of situation? The first thing is to get the person to seek the services of a professional who can get them the help that they need.
Here are other suggestions to help your loved one cope:
Get educated. Learn as much as you can about managing anxiety and depression. Share what you have learned with the person who is struggling, help them learn to manage their anxiety and depression.
Be understanding. Dealing with depression and anxiety can be very difficult. Be understanding and patient, listen to them and offer friendly, and helpful advice.
Get them to seek help. Encourage them to take the first step and seek assistance. Let them know that there are people out there that are trained to help people cope with anxiety and depression.
Follow up. If you know that your friend or family member is struggling with anxiety, fear, and/or depression it is important to keep in touch with them. Continue seeing them and following up on how things are going for them. Remember, treat them how you would want to be treated if you were in their shoes.
Anxiety, fear, and depression can be very scary and difficult to manage. The individuals struggling with it need help, support, love, and encouragement from you. Most importantly, they need to seek help.The therapists at Star Point Counseling Center can be there for them every step of the way and teach them skills on how to effectively manage their anxiety and depression.
Call us today, and get help for your loved one! (813)244-1251