To all of those who serve, and those who have served, and their families we would like to say Happy Veterans Day!! We are grateful that you are fighting for our freedom.
Affordable Counseling of Brandon offers services to current and past service members. Here is a little information from our website about how we may be able to help you!
We work to make our veterans’ homecoming as rewarding as possible. We will help you identify and find relief from signs and symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Major Depression (MDD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAS), etc., and provide the services necessary to assure the adjustment to civilian life.
We work to reverse the dissociation and desensitization that was, in war, a source of strength, which otherwise at home may contribute to a sense of detachment, estrangement, and/or an inability to give, express, or receive love.
For more information, visit our website at